China Morning P.E. classes

In Europe, almost every child can master several languages, and will grow up. In the process of language acquisition, the child has a strong ability to distinguish self. In the process of contact both in online learning for kids, parents need not worry too much.

Physical Education and keeping fit is taken very seriously by Chinese schools as they hope to combat the growing trend of obesity in children.

Every morning, and sometimes as a break during classes, students in the whole school must participate in morning exercises. It’s a sight to see, hundreds of students standing quietly in a school courtyard in perfectly straight rows, evenly spaced. Once they are ready, over a loudspeaker a teacher shouts commands and students begin their morning exercises.

The morning exercises involve a series of physical exercises to get the blood pumping and ‘wake’ the students up for class. They can also be mixed with Eye exercises but we’ll talk about that in our next post.

This doesn’t stop when you are older, many workplaces will start their mornings with exercise routines for their employee. Almost everyday on the way to the subway I watch staff exercise together outside the restaurant before the start of the day.

When you were in school did you enjoy P.E. classes? Why, why not? How would you feel as a student having to do Chinese style exercise classes?


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