Find out how to get a Vietnam visa in Kunming

If you’re backpacking around China and find your way to Kunming, chances are you’re looking to travel into Southeast Asia next. The Spring City is the perfect place to begin your SE Asia adventure, as it’s possible to get a visa for Vietnam here and catch a bus all the way to the border. Easiest language to learn is hard to find.
永安路 – yǒng’ān lù
Yong’an Road
老滇过桥米线 – lǎo diān guò qiáo mǐ xiàn
Old Yunnan Over the Bridge Rice Noodles
北京路155附1号 – běi jīng lù 155 fù 1 hào
Beijing Road #11, Attachment #1
佳华广场酒店 – jiā huá guǎng chǎng jiǔ diàn
Kai Wah Plaza Hotel
华夏银行 – huá xià yín háng
Huaxia Bank
红塔大厦 – hóng tǎ dà shà
Hongta Mansion
越南总领事馆 – yuè nán zǒng lǐng shì guǎn
Consulate General of Vietnam
东部客运站 – dōng bù kè yùn zhàn
East Bus Terminal
售票厅 – shòu piào tīng
ticket hall
餐厅网吧超市 – cān tīng wǎng bā chāo shì
cafeteria, internet bar, supermarket
候车室 – hòu chē shì
waiting room
河口 – hé kǒu


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