Custom of Chongyang Festival

What do people do on the famous Chongyang Festival in China? Learning the culture is the most interesting part of online Chinese learning

Originally on this festival people come together to climb mountains, in the past this was to bring protection against diseases. It was thought that by ascending to a high altitude you could avoid future illnesses. As people ascended to high places on the Double Ninth Festival, the Chongyang Festival is also known as the Height Ascending Festival. This custom was supposedly started during the East Han Dynasty when people usually climbed mountains or towers.

During Chongyang it’s hard to resist the mouth watering aroma of Chongyang cake. A steamed healthy two-layer cake made up of nuts and jujube. People will make a special cake for this festival by sticky rice. On its top should be two sheep made from flour. Some people place a small red flag on the top of cake and light candles.
The beautiful Chrysanthemum plant is linked to this festival due to it’s association with longevity. It’s customary to drink Chrysanthemum wine, as it’s thought to be filled with indispensable antitoxins.After the Qing Dynasty, people went crazy for chrysanthemum, not only during the Chongyang Festival, but also at other times by going outside and enjoying the plant.

Since the festival is also used to celebrate seniors’ day there is an emphasis on taking care and respecting your elders. Both of which are important values linked to Confucianism. Therefore, schools will do events and trips with grandparents, and children will find ways to help their seniors as a way to show respect.





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