Spare Time of Children in China

In China, children work very hard in school, although students leave school by 3.30 pm, they have little time to spend on hobbies. This is very different from children in the US. For some taking online Chinese classes, I believe they still have plenty time to hang around and relax.

Since most parents are at work they are unable to pick up their children from school. Extra classes or care centres are the best options available to parents who want their children taken care of but also to develop their education.

As the fact that the competition of Chinese children is super fierce, parents prefer to send children to study extra knowledge out of class which will make their children much more competitive.

For this reason, students are very smart in how they use up their spare time, making every minute count. Activities are picked not just for fun but for practicality.

Some choose to learn how to play an instrument or take on some fun and healthy extra-curricular activities like sports. Perhaps pick up an art form such as calligraphy, doesn’t it look beautiful?

Those that want to improve their skills also take some extra fun classes, foreign language classes are becoming more and more popular in China recently


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