Take-away! What makes it a MULTI BILLION industry

Teach kids to learn Chinese with online platform Lingo Bus is really interesting.

Food is what brings us together’ (not music), look at social media or even at the social events in our lives, they all have something in common, food.

In U.K., eating out is very expensive and thought of as unhealthy. Nevertheless, every week as a family we had a Sunday takeaway night ritual. People would take turns each week deciding what to eat and then share the food as family.

In China there isn’t really a concept of ‘takeaway night’, as almost everyday you will order takeaway food, especially at work or at school. Although there are always plenty of restaurant and canteen choices available they tend to be overcrowded and have long waiting lines, by the time you get a seat and are ready to order food you have to be back at work!

Food ordering has become a multi billion industry, it’s hard to get away from it. Especially if you think about savings, with all the ongoing constant deals in the delivery apps it ends up being cheaper to order food than eat at the given restaurant. Most of the time it’s even cheaper than buying all the ingredients and cooking at home.

Now you can’t even step out of your apartment without seeing a delivery guy.

Most restaurants in your area will be available on one of many online apps like ele.me and meituan, with freshly cooked food delivered under 20 minutes. Faster than you could have cooked it yourself. There are plenty of choices available even for those of us that are health conscious.

It also means you aren’t bound to your own cooking skills, it doesn’t matter if you can’t cook Kung Pao Chicken, the restaurant next door can!

Delivery apps have become like bread and butter, and we just can’t survive without them. Their convenience, cost effectiveness, and time they save just can’t be overlooked. Especially when you can use that time extra time to spend with your family after a tiring day.


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