The Rapid Development of Internet Technology in China

Do you know that, in China the e-commerce market was topped $1.1 trillion by 2017? What led this rapid growth? The online education develops at a great speed in China, there are Chinese online teachers that can teach you. Let’s take a look:

Easy Payment

With everything you could ever want just a fingerprint-scan away, emptying your wallet, your savings account, and your emergency fund, has never been easier. Chinese consumers don’t need to worry about the war raging between WeChat Wallet and Alipay, because whether they’re with team Green or team Blue, they’re winning – or losing, depending on how you look at it.

Speedy Delivery

Online shopping in China is easy. Step aside Amazon Prime, because Chinese people in most metropolitan areas can order daily necessities and plenty of other odds and ends on one of a few different apps and have them delivered to their door by motorbike (or motortrike) within the hour.


Given the conveniences mentioned above, it’s no wonder a lot of that money is going toward the e-commerce market. The Chinese middle class is much larger than it was a decade ago. As wealth increases amongst Chinese citizens, so too do their disposable incomes. given

Be honest: How much do you spend on online shopping, and how do you spend it?


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