What would I wear in olden China?

What do you picture when you think of traditional Chinese clothes? Please don’t say karate clothes! Your children can go to some very good websites to learn Chinese online for kids, you can also get to know Chinese culture by reading this blog! 

China has a rich historical history, with each new Imperial era a new fashion trend building up on the existent was founded. Your clothes could show your status, but to make it simpler if we think about traditional clothes, we can split it into two categories, men’s and women’s fashion.

Arising under the Manchu rule during the Qing dynasty it was quite common for men to wear a Changshan (长衫). The Changshan is a type of long jacket or robe. Although popularity for this fashion dropped during the cultural revolution, even now you can still find some men wearing it as part of their daily wardrobe.

The Changshan equivalent for women is known as the Qipao (旗袍). Seen in many Hollywood films, the Qipao is a tight fitted dress, but originally it used to be very loosely fitted for modesty with only the women’s hands and feet displayed.

China has many minorities, each of them have their own rich fashion, unfortunately we don’t have time to mention them all, but bellow is a picture of traditional Uyghur clothes.

For the most part traditional clothes are now reserved for special occasions, like weddings, meetings, events, etc. But some fashion artists have incorporated Chinese traditional clothing style into modern clothes creating a beautiful fusion.


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