How to Make Children Love Mandarin Classes

Although learning Chinese culture is interesting, learning a second language as difficult as Mandarin can sometimes get you down to the point of giving up, especially when you turn learning Chinese into a boring routine.

As the popular saying goes, “do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” encourages us to stick to dreams and chase after a career we love. It can be applied in language learning!
It is easy to understand why children don’t like learning Mandarin. It’s too hard, and sometimes can be really boring. So the most important thing you should bear in mind when helping your kids is to make sure to make the class more fun to take!
Here are some tips for incorporating Chinese into your family’s routine in unique ways:
Character stories
Memorizing Chinese characters is difficult, I always held this thought until my teacher turned them into pictures or stories.
It’s very simple to do, there are already many books out there that have done this, or they explain the history of the character making it easier to remember. But with children, I like to show them a character and get them to create their own story or draw and color in the meaning around it.
The basic foundation of your language journey starts with your Chinese classes, if these do not captivate the students’ interest then the battle is lost. Fortunately, a  quality online platform like Lingo Bus ensures all its classes are presented in an exciting way to fully engage and excite students to learn Chinese. Students follow characters through different Chinese cities through song, motion, and games. Teachers there know well about how to make learning process fun and cool!


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